Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me.
I will refresh your life, for I am your Oasis.
Matthew 11:28 TPT
This a Bible centered study.
We have used many books to guide the open discussion such as: Shepherding A Child's Heart by Tedd Trip, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk, etc.
We have used many books to guide the open discussion such as: Shepherding A Child's Heart by Tedd Trip, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk, etc.

OASIS for Women is a place for women of all ages and stages of life to come together for a time of refreshing and encouragement

The Perfect Trifecta...Child Care!
There is great childcare provided for ages baby to 12 years old.
There is great childcare provided for ages baby to 12 years old.
Tuesday Mornings at 9:30am
We meet in the lower-level classroom and moms are especially welcome as childcare is provided. (Oasis Does Not Meet In The Summer Months)

Linda Horst
Linda serves as a member of the Senior Leadership Team along with her husband, James here at Harvest. She is also on staff as our really smart bookkeeper! James and Linda have been married for 45 years, and have 3 children and 11 grandchildren. Linda homeschooled her children for 12 years and oversaw a homeschool co-op for 10 years. She has also worked in the marketplace as a retail manager, and volunteers weekly. We love Linda!